“Horimiya” was a popular high school romance anime when it premiered in January 2021, despite the fact that the two protagonists had very different personalities. The 13-episode animation is based on a web manga series written and illustrated by Hiroki Adachi under the pen name Hero, which was published on her website between 2007 and 2011.
In the end, the narrative was translated and illustrated by Daisuke Hagiwara for the
Popular manga series “Horimiya,” published by Monthly GFantasy, and the inspiration for the anime.
Formed by CloverWorks and starring Kyouko Hori, a prim social butterfly who excels in school but is hiding a secret about herself; Miyamura, an introverted boy with no one to confide in; the series explores their blossoming romance.
To begin with, they become friends and begin to share their secrets with one another, revealing new aspects of themselves and setting the stage for a deeper romantic engagement.
Many fans of “Horimiya” are now asking if there would be a second season that takes up where the previous one left off after the pair graduated in April. We’ve gathered as much information as we could on a future season that might be coming our way. Everything we know about “Horimiya” Season 2 so far is listed below.
Season 2 of Horimiya Has Yet to Be Confirmed
Anime sometimes draws inspiration from previously published works, and if you’ve seen the first season of “Horimiya,” you’ll know that the 13 episodes produced covered the complete story arc of the original manga, which spans 122 chapters.
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The final episode of the season features the central couple’s graduation and a happy ending that leaves no loose ends. Is there any chance that the anime would return for a second season? Moreover, the show’s producers have not given any indication that the anime will continue.
However, given the manga’s 122 chapters and 13 episodes, it’s clear that “Horimiya” didn’t cover all of the manga’s story. It’s likely that the remaining topics could be explored further in future episodes, even if they were only briefly touched upon in the anime’s closing slideshow montage.
Unfortunately, there has been no sign that there will be any more episodes like this. As a result, we’ll have to sit tight and cross our fingers that an epiphany will arrive soon.