Shigeharu Takahashi, who also wrote the show’s script, helms the Japanese manga animation series Megaron Musashi. Takuzo Nagano, the show’s designer, creates the anime’s visual style. The anime’s music and songs are composed by Kenichiro Saigo, and the show’s audio director, Ryo Tanaka, is responsible for overseeing the production of the soundtrack. Companies specialising in “Oriental Light and Music” (OLM) put on the show.

A video game served as inspiration for the show. An anime adaptation of the Level 5 video game series is planned for the following season. More than fifty games have been published by the firm to far. If successful, this would be the first time a video game franchise had ever been adapted into the anime and manga mediums. On many social media sites, viewers expressed their appreciation for the series. The release of the season is eagerly anticipated by fans.

When Will Season 2 Of “Megaton Musashi” Be Available?

On October 8, 2021, the premiere episode will air for the first time. Any new episodes will be available every Sunday at 2.00 p.m. JST. There will be 12 episodes throughout the season. The creators have not yet revealed the streaming service they will be using. With fewer days to go, it’s possible the creators may reveal the streaming service shortly.

Megaton Musashi Season 2 Cast

There are three main characters and a number of secondary ones in the plot. The creators have not disclosed who voiced which characters. Therefore, we do not know very much about this series. More details regarding the show will likely be unveiled in the coming weeks as the premiere date draws near. There will be a long wait for the fans, so they must be patient.

Toshiki Masuda, who is slated to lend his voice to one of the show’s main characters, Yamato Ichidaiji, is a strong possibility among the cast. Ryugo Hijikata is a key player and team member whose voice will be provided by Shunsuke Takeuchi. Koki Uchiyama will play Reiji Amemiya and Soma Saito will play Teru Asami. Megumi Han will provide the voice of Momoka Saotome, and Sumire Morohoshi will portray Jun Kirishima. Kota Akutagawa and Takumi Kindaichi, voiced by Ayumu Murase and Yuki Kaji, respectively.

Megaton Musashi Season 2 Trailer


During Anime Expo 2022, on July 1, 2022, a PV teaser trailer for Season 2 of Megaton Musashi was unveiled.
Studio OLM, the Japanese studio known for the Pokemon TV shows (including Pokemon: The First Movie and Pokemon: The Movie: Journeys), will also create the Megaton Musashi Season 2 anime.

In 2021, Studio OLM delivered the critically acclaimed Odd Taxi animation, as well as the Netflix original series Komi Can’t Communicate and the second season of Restaurant to Another World. The core production team behind Season 2 of Megaton Musashi has yet to be revealed. Given the short turnaround time, though, it’s likely that the majority of the key responsibilities will remain same.

Akihiro Hino, creator and CEO of Level 5, directed the first season of the anime. He was not just the show’s originator and primary writer, but also its director. Shigeharu Takahashi, the film’s primary director, also backed Hino (an episode director on Naruto: Shippuuden). Character designs were produced by Takuzou Nagano (Youkai Watch) and adapted by Yuuji Ikeda (also of that show) for animation (Inazuma Eleven). Engineered by the mind of artist Nobuyuki Yanai. The music was composed by Kenichirou Saigou (Youkai Watch).

Kodai Matsuura will play the OP (opening) theme song “Eiyuu no Uta” for Season 2 of Megaton Musashi. As of yet, there has been no announcement regarding the ED (finale) theme music. Megaton Musashi had Zuma from Nijiirozamurai sing the opening theme “MUSASHI” and Mana sing the ending theme “Mesubou Sekai no Ballad” for the first season.

Level 5 first announced the Megaton Musashi anime back in 2016, which is now a very long time ago. Launch was expected in summer 2017, however many years passed.

  • Season one debuted on October 1, 2021, during the Fall 2021 anime season.
  • Megaton Musashi Episode 12, the season one finale, premiered on December 17, 2021.
  • Correct release date, confirmed by trailer, is July 8, 2022.

How Will The Game’s Success Affect The Production Of Megaton Musashi Season 2?

Studio OLM, Level 5, Square Enix, and everyone else involved in the production of the Megaton Musashi anime should be commended for giving the second season the go-ahead. From what we can tell, Megaton Musashi was a commercial failure in Japan.

After its release, the game only managed to sell 7,730 copies, despite debuting at position #11 on Famitsu’s Japan software sales charts. Sales were lower than those of older games such as Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Mario Kart 8, and Ring Fit Adventure. In the same period, new releases such as Shin Megami Tensei V by developer Atlus and Dragon Quest X by Square Enix sold 143,247 and 22,702 copies, respectively.

Apparently things are so terrible that the Megaton Musashi trademark was dropped with the USPTO. Level 5 is determined to move through with the property anyway in the hopes that the MMO will gain traction in the coming year. Another possibility is that Studio OLM has already finished a sizable portion of the preliminary work required to create the animation.

Must Read:

Megaton Musashi Season 2 Synopsis

The city is tranquil and pleasant. No one ever had a bad day. It’s a mystery to everyone in the hamlet, and nobody knows the answers. The locals assumed life was quiet and serene. As of late, things have been shifting rapidly. A large portion of the village’s inhabitants have recently vanished. Intriguing aliens have eliminated around three-quarters of the populace. Of- Drafters is a mysterious region of space where the alien forces seems to have originated. With time, they were able to conquer the world.

The populace, at a loss for what to do, resolved to hold out for a miracle in the hopes that it would save them from the hostile extraterrestrial invaders. Robotic Mecha only Musashi appears. Humans created him, in other words. Musashi enlisted the help of Ryugo Hijikata and Yamato Ichidaiji to defeat the unknown threats to the globe. This triumvirate represents the pinnacle of human leadership and holds the key to the survival of the planet’s remaining populace and beyond.

Seeing what happens after 90 years, when the vast majority of the population has been eradicated, would be fascinating. Those who made it through the ordeal are now faced with a difficult task. It would be fascinating to learn how the inhabitants of this post-apocalyptic world go about their daily lives.

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Rosilla Grande

Rosilla writing possesses both passion and originality. Learning new things and juggling multiple responsibilities excite her. In addition, she enjoys writing about lifestyle, sports, and entertainment topics as well she manages the SEO part of our website as well with her multiple skills.

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