Trickster is a Canadian Supernatural Thriller television series, the first season originally aired on October 7, 2020, on CBC Television. The series is directed by Michelle Latimer, created by Tony Elliott, and is based on a 2017 novel named Son Of Trickster written by Eden Robinson. The first season of the series also nominated and won multiple awards in the Canadian Screen Awards, held on 20th May 2021. After the overwhelming response from the series’s first season, fans were eagerly waiting for the second season. Also, the series was all set for second season renewal even before the premiere of the first season. Still, due to some claimed indigenous controversies that arose regarding the producer Michelle Latimer, CBC eventually canceled the renewal of the second season of the series. We have got more updates for you. Catch out everything about Trickster Season 2 below and read the full article.
Trickster Season 2 Release Date
As of now, Trickster’s second season is canceled and will not be proceeding with the filming.
The first season released on the 7th of October 2020 and consisted of a total of six episodes.
Trickster Season 2 Cast
Though it is unlikely to say and assume that the series will be renewed. But just in case, if the producer and makers resolve everything and decide to move further with the renewal for the second season. We may expect the below-mentioned character to be returning.
- Crystle Lightning may return as Maggie.
- Joel Oulette may return as Jared.
- Nathan Alexis may return as Crashpad.
- Kalani Queypo may return as Wade.
- Georgina Lightning may return as Sophia.
- Anna Lambe may return as Sarah.
We may also see several other supporting casts as well
- Joel Thomas Hynes as Richie
- Craig Lauzon as Phil Nelson
- Gail Maurice as Georgina
- Mark Camacho as Tony
- William C. Cole as Mr. Jacks
- Jamie Spilchuk as Mr. Good
Trickster Season 2 Plot
Though there is no official announcement and confirmation for the summary of the second season until then, let’s leap the synopsis of the first season.
The first season taught us that you just could not escape your destiny. In the last episode, Maggie goes for the run with Jared, whereas Wade uses all his ability and energy to find them. Jared gets to know that his biological father “Wade” is a trickster, and “Maggie,” who is his mother, is a witch, Sophia, who is his grandmother, is also a witch. Three weird creatures, Georgina, Albert, and Edna, want Jared and Wade to get home. But this is not something Wade told Jared.
Wade revealed to Jared a right of event that holds things in balance. The knowledge of Tricksters shall have to be passed on to their next successors of tricksters, their sons, and their son must kill the father for doing that. He also revealed to Maggie that Georgina and her descendant would be needing Jared’s blood so that can open the door to their community. Maggie denies letting anyone harm Jared, as well as Wade.
Georgina has a completely disparate story. Of course, trickster blood is required by them to unlock the North Door to their faith, but that does not mean that they need Jared’s blood particularly. Jared will need to murder Wade to take over his place. Until the time one is alive, the other can’t exist. But as known Wade is already more than 500 years old, and He’s been taking the lives of his sons so that he can stay alive and still wants to continue the same with Jared.
As of now, the series is unlikely to renew for a second season. We will keep you updated as soon as we get any updates regarding the same. Until then, stay tuned.