Brooke Shields became a Hollywood icon quickly because of her stunning looks and controversial roles, which made her a star at a young age.

Shields was only 12 years old when she played a young prostitute in Pretty Baby. Critics had mixed things to say about Pretty Baby. Some people said the movie had a deeper meaning, while others called it “chilling” or even “child p0rn0graphy.”

Shields played a child who was taken advantage of, and when people looked back years later, they found out that she was also a child actress who was taken advantage of.

Pretty Baby: Brooke Shields was first shown at the Sundance Film Festival in January of this year. It looks at the career of the famous actress and the bigger effects of encouraging young women to take exploitative roles so they can have the career of their dreams.

The reviews for this touching documentary aren’t mixed like they were for Pretty Baby. Instead, critics have been impressed by Shields’s raw vulnerability and the important story. Before, only people who went to Sundance could watch this documentary. Now, you can watch Pretty Baby: Brooke Shields on Hulu.

Shields in the trailer released by ABC says

“The entirety of my life it was: She’s a pretty face. Over and over and over and over again.”

“And that just seared me.”

Shields was too young to understand the problems with the early roles she played, such as Pretty Baby, Blue Lagoon, and Endless Love. However, people around her, like her mother Teri, did know what these roles were about.

Pretty Baby: Brooke Shields not only tells about Shields’s life, but it also looks at the problematic situations that young girls are expected to accept, not just in Hollywood but all over the world.

One interviewee says in the trailer (as reported by –

“What happened to her isn’t really about her as an individual, it’s just about women.”

Along with interviews with Brooke Shields, you’ll also see interviews with big stars like Laura Linney and Drew Barrymore talking about how her career has affected them.

Alta Militello

Writing and doing research are two activities that Alta Militello adores. Because she reads so much, she writes about topics such as history, culture, and current events. Alta worked in marketing after receiving her degree in business marketing, but she eventually left the field because she was unhappy there.

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