Avatar 2 ending explained  : Avatar: The Way of Water is the highly anticipated and jaw-dropping sequel to James Cameron’s mega-hit, Avatar, which remains the highest-grossing film of all time. Reviewing it, we referred to it as “an awe-inspiring, cinematic hallelujah; James Cameron is back, and maybe he is the king of the world after all.” Avatar 2 is the first of four sequels, and while the original film may stand on its own, we should probably talk about how the film’s ending sets up the next three.

Avatar 2 Ending Explained

In Avatar: The Way of Water, we witness Quaritch (Stephen Lang) and his RDA squad crash upon the shores of the Metkayina clan. Its leaders initially don’t want to go to war, but after the RDA brutally murders a Tulkun (the Na’vi believe that Tulkun is their spirit sisters and brothers), they demand vengeance.

Children of Jake and Neytiri set out to search down the Tulkun outcast who was shot with a tracking dart and marked for death. They free him before Quaritch catches them in a huge fishing net and ties them to the boat’s side. Tulkun, a social pariah, spots Lo’ak while swimming beneath the surface. Avatar 2 ending explained.

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The whale, understandably upset, thrashes madly on the ocean floor before performing a Free Willy on the RDA and leaping out of the water to beach himself on the ship. Those that aren’t killed instantly by the mammal’s crushing weight are quickly put to death in other ways.

Some are “finned,” while others are thrown into the ocean. Insanely cathartic is the amputation of the vile whaler Scoresby’s limb with his explosive harpoon. The kids escape, but Jake and Quartich get into a prolonged battle. They fight each other with their banshees, trading bullets and biting the necks of the creatures.

In the meantime, Neteyam is murdered by gunfire as he tries to aid Lo’ak and Spider’s escape. As Neytiri screams from the loss of her kid, Quaritch reaches Jake once more, offering him the same deal: his life for his daughters’ lives. Jake locates Tuk, but Quaritch has Kiri’s throat slashed. Avatar 2 ending explained.

Neytiri responds by killing every surviving RDA soldier and stabbing Spider in the chest, an act she knows will anger Quaritch because Spider is his son. When Kiri threatened to kill Quaritch, he let her go. As soon as you believe they’ll finally be free, Jake goes toe-to-toe with Quaritch.

avatar 2 ending explained

Tuk is taken into the ship’s depths, Neytiri following, and Spider and Kiri are left on the surface, vulnerable as the boat rises and falls like the Titanic. When Jake finally manages to defeat Quaritch, he appears to kill him underwater, which cages Jake himself. Avatar 2 ending explained.

Kiri uses her skills to call upon the bright, underwater fireflies (like the ocean’s counterpart of wood sprites) to locate Neytiri and Tuk, bringing them to safety. At the same time, Lo’ak finds him and teaches him how to breathe so that he can survive.

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But there’s a catch: Quaritch didn’t die. Spider discovers him writhing in the water and pulls him out against his better judgment (though inevitable). Though he is bloodied and alone, Spider refuses to accompany him.

Quaritch flies off alone, likely back to the RDA base, while he, Jake, and Neytiri exchange histrionics. The Avatar mythology states, “All energy is borrowed.” In the film’s concluding scene, we see Neteyam laid to rest as the golden tentacles of the ocean floor tenderly enfold him in their embrace. Avatar 2 ending explained.

Jake and Neytiri have been accepted into the Metkayina family. “I can’t run from it. This is my stronghold,” he replies, eyes tightly closed, as the camera moves in closer. The credits roll as he opens his eyes, just like in the old movie.

Final Lines  

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Alta Militello

Writing and doing research are two activities that Alta Militello adores. Because she reads so much, she writes about topics such as history, culture, and current events. Alta worked in marketing after receiving her degree in business marketing, but she eventually left the field because she was unhappy there.

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