The third season of ‘Bling Empire’ premiered recently in Los Angeles, California, providing viewers with three times as much drama and bling as in previous seasons. The show follows the lives of members of the affluent Asian community that resides in Los Angeles and provides viewers with a glimpse into the glittering world that they inhabit.

The show has received a lot of attention due to the fact that it is unlike any other show out there, and some of the socialites who appear on it include Anna Shay, Christine Chiu, Kane Lim, and Kelly Mi Li. Anna Shay, who plays the role of godmother on the unscripted show, is the cast member with the most name recognition.

Anna is a multi-millionaire who has a net worth of approximately $600 million at the moment. Due to the fact that Anna’s father was a billionaire and her mother was a direct descendant of the aristocracy, Anna was born into a wealthy family. anna shay parents.

Because Anna comes from a wealthy family, many of her admirers are curious about her origins and family tree. Now, here is everything that you need to know about the billionaire parents of the “Bling Empire” star, Edward Shay Ai and Oizumi Ai. anna shay parents.

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Who Are Anna Shay Parents, Edward Shay And Ai Oizumi?

Edward Albert Shay, who was the contractor for Pacific Architects and Engineers, was a native of the South Side of Chicago and worked for the company. In 1955, he established in California what would become a successful American defense and government services contractor.

The business of importing and exporting firearms was incredibly profitable for Edward. During the time that Japan was under Allied Occupation, Anna’s father had joined the Japanese military. And it was there that he first made the acquaintance of Anna’s mother, Ai Oizumi. anna shay parents.

The woman who gave birth to Anna, Ai Oizumi, was of Japanese descent but had a Russian grandfather. Edward was her second husband, and she had a son named Jun by her first husband. Jun was her only child from her first marriage. Ai Oizumi was not only a person who had lived through the second World War but also a business owner.

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Her ancestors were involved in the trade of pearls and silk flowers across international borders. It was rumored that the businesswoman could trace her ancestry all the way back to Japanese aristocracy. Edward passed away in 1995, leaving his children the responsibility of running the business after him.

In 2006, the siblings made a staggering amount of money by selling the shares that had been inherited from their father. In 2015, Anna’s mother passed away, 20 years after the passing of her husband. The enormous fortune that Anna’s parents bequeathed to her was the primary factor in the socialite’s luxurious way of life. anna shay parents.

The phrase “born in a crystal ball with a silver spoon” was a common one for Ai to use when speaking to Anna. Watch the heiress on the most recent season of ‘Bling Empire’ as she engages her adversary, Christine Chiu, in a deliciously dramatic battle to see who will emerge victorious.

Final Lines:

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Alta Militello

Writing and doing research are two activities that Alta Militello adores. Because she reads so much, she writes about topics such as history, culture, and current events. Alta worked in marketing after receiving her degree in business marketing, but she eventually left the field because she was unhappy there.

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