The Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudoubu anime series is adapted from the same-titled light novel series produced in Japan. The first novel in the series, written by Kotoko Ayano and illustrated by Chinatsu Morimoto, won a Special Judge Award at the 2016 Kyoto Animation Award competition, leading to its publication by Kyoto Animation on December 26, 2016.

Since then, the novel has been successful, and new chapters continue to be released to this day. Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudoubu Season 1 premiered on October 22, 2018 after Kyoto Animation announced in 2016 that it would adapt the light novel series into an anime television series. Fans of the novels and new viewers alike hailed it as a triumph, and ever since, they’ve been patiently awaiting confirmation of a second season. So far, this is everything we know about Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudoubu Season 2.

Tsurune Season 2 Release Date

Season 1 of Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudoubu began airing on October 22, 2018, and concluded on January 21, 2019, after airing 13 episodes. Later, on March 3, 2019, an unaired special episode was released, much to the joy of viewers. However, a second season has not been confirmed despite the show’s popularity.

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Having stated that, you shouldn’t worry right now. Kyoto Animation still has time to announce a second season, which can take several years for some anime shows. Since new instalments in the light novel series are continually being released, there will also be no shortage of material for a second season. This, combined with the show’s support from a reputable studio like Kyoto Animation, makes us optimistic that it will be given a second season.

Season two of Tsurune is expected to premiere sometime in 2021. Nothing is guaranteed, however, until an official statement is made by Kyoto Animation on the show’s future. The status of Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudoubu Season 2 is still unknown, but as soon as any concrete information becomes available, we will update this section accordingly.

Tsurune Season 2 Release Date

Tsurune Season 2 English Dub

Crunchyroll hosts episodes of “Tsurune” with both the Japanese audio and English subtitles.

Tsurune season 2 Plot

The sport of archery plays a central role in Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudoubu, though not the kind of archery practised at the Olympics. Rather, the focus is on kyuudo, the Japanese martial art. In this episode, we follow a middle school student named Minato Narumiya who discovered he had a talent for archery.

However, Minato’s enthusiasm for the sport waned after a traumatic experience in middle school, and he considered retiring from it. But when Minato enrols at Kazemai High School, he runs into his old classmates Seiya Takehaya and Ryouhei Yamanouchi, both of whom are archers. Seiya and Ryouhei try to recruit Minato to join the Kazemai High School Archery Club because they are aware of his prowess with a bow, but Minato is still traumatised from his previous experience and refuses to join.

However, after meeting a mysterious man in a woodland archery range, Minato is re-inspired to pick up the bow and arrow. Minato’s childhood pals encouraged him to try out for the school archery team, so he did, and now he’s training hard with his new teammates, Nanao Kisaragi and Kaito Onogi, with the goal of taking first place at the prefectural competition. In the episode, Minato is depicted as he rekindles his interest in the sport and devotes himself wholeheartedly to it in the hopes of returning to the top of the school circuit’s rankings.

Tsurune season 2 Characters

Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudoubu features a sizable cast, yet the show’s focus is on a select handful. We’ve included quick summaries of each major player in the show below.

Minato Narumiya is a first-year high school student with a talent for archery and the show’s main protagonist. Minato’s early introduction to the sport of archery came when he accompanied his mother to a competition. However, an incident during middle school causes Minato to lose his self-confidence, and he determines to give up the sport once and for all.

This all changes following an accidental encounter with a mysterious man, and Minato joins his school’s archery club. In terms of his character, Minato is a vivacious and gregarious individual who, at times, can be shockingly reckless. Seiya Takehaya, a lifelong friend of Minato’s, is the head of the archery club and the leader of the Kazemai High School boys’ archery squad. Seiya, the son of a doctor, is a brilliant and kind young man who happens to be an excellent archer.

Ryouhei Yamanouchi is a vivacious and sociable young guy who has known Minato since they were both young children. Although Ryouhei had spent his formative years with Minato and Seiya, he was enrolled in a different middle school and lost touch with them. Ryouhei is revealed to be highly intuitive and in tune with the emotions of those around him. He is also part of the Kazemai High School Archery Club. Nanao Kisaragi is a charming young man with a royal demeanour and an unflappable outlook on life.

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He is also part of the Kazemai Archery Club and in spite of his confident and outgoing nature, he is privately insecure about his low height. Nanao’s cousin and fellow archer Kaito Onogi is also a member of the Kazemai Archery Club. Kaito is an intelligent and perceptive young man, yet people sometimes mistake him for a soccer player due to his tanned appearance. He also frequently argues with Minato, in spite of both having similar interests.

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Alta Militello

Writing and doing research are two activities that Alta Militello adores. Because she reads so much, she writes about topics such as history, culture, and current events. Alta worked in marketing after receiving her degree in business marketing, but she eventually left the field because she was unhappy there.

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