“Lupin” is a French television series packed with mysteries and thrillers created by Francois Uzan and George Kay. The series revolves around the only son of an immigrant from Senegal, Assane Diop, who is a professional robber. The series first aired on 8th January on Netflix and consists of a total of ten episodes out of which five episodes were already released in January and the remaining five episodes are all set to release in June 2021. The series is also ready to be renewed for a third season even before the release of the second season of the series.
The series was so loved by viewers that it became the most-watched non-English show, being watched by over 70 million households on Netflix. After watching the first five episodes all the fans were over-excited for the remaining episodes, So here we have got everything we know so far regarding the release date, plot, cast, trailer, and many more.
Read the full article to know everything!
Lupin Part 2| Release Date
Netflix has officially announced that the second part of the series is scheduled to release on Friday, 11th June 2021. Netflix had confirmed the arrival of Lupin Part 2 on 28th Jan on Twitter.
Must Check: Netflix UK & Ireland on Twitter: “🇫🇷 BREAKING 🇫🇷… Lupin will return for Part 2 (deux) soon.” / Twitter
Lupin Part 2| Cast
Omar Sy led the series with the role of Assane Diop, who portrays a professional skilled thief, who has taken inspiration from the book’s character Arsene Lupin. In the series, Assane has multiple nicknames, one of them is Paul Sernine. The role of young Assane has been depicted by Mamadou Haidara.
Let’s take a leap into the names of other casts as well:
- Ludivine Sagnier in the character of Claire, Raoul’s mother
- Etan Simon in the character of Raoul, son of Assane and Claire
- Ludmilla Makowski in the character of young Claire
- Antoine Gouy in the character of Benjamin Feral, he is longtime friend of Assane
- Fargass Assandé in the character of Babakar,late father of Assane
- Nicole Garcia in the character of Anne Pellegrini, Wife of Hubert
- Hervé Pierre in the character of Hubert Pellegrini, Wealthy Businessman
- Léa Bonneau in the character of young Juliette Pellegrini
- Clotilde Hesme in the character of Juliette Pellegrini, Hubert and Anne’s daughter.
- Vincent Garanger in the character of Gabriel Dumont, Paris police department’s commissioner.
- Vincent Londez in the character of Captain Romain Laugier, a police officer who is investigating the theft of a necklace.
- Johann Dionnet in the character of young detective Gabriel Dumont.
- Soufiane Guerrab in the character of Youssef Guedira, a detective
- Shirine Boutella in the character of Lieutenant Sofia Belkacem, a Lupin reader and detective
Well there is no further information from Netflix about the addition of any new character so for that we will have to wait till the release of the series.
Lupin Part 2| Plot| What Is suppose to be in the next part?
Assane’s life was turned like hell as a teenager, when at such a young age he lost his father following being blamed for an offence which he didn’t even commit. Assane’s father was punished for the robbery of a precious diamond necklace by his boss, the powerful, rich and wealthy Hubert Pellegrini and committed suicide by hanging himself in the prison lockup out of shame, which left Assane an orphan and bind him to lead his life without any support. After a long 25 years, Assane started to use and follow the footsteps of Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Burglar as his role model to get even for his father. He disguise to unveil and expose the crime Hubert did.
In the last episode we saw that the Pelligrini Family started to reciprocate. The last episode left viewers with lots of questions in mind.In the coming episodes Assane will make plan to take revenge for his father’s death even if that plan proves to be life threatening to him.
Lupin Part 2| Trailer| Where to watch? Check out below
Netflix released an official trailer on 11th May 2021 on Youtube. So click below to watch the exciting trailer of the upcoming part of Lupin.
Must Check: Lupin Part 2 | Official trailer | Netflix – YouTube
There is a lot to see in the upcoming episodes regarding Assane journey for taking the revenge and many more. We will keep you updated with everything we know until then stay tuned.