There are “zombies” that aren’t zombies, “Zombies” that are Nazis, and “Zombies” that are everywhere these days. At one point, stories about the end of the world caused by zombies were practically ubiquitous.

Blockbuster zombie films, Call of Duty zombie maps, zombie survival games, zombie novels, and even zombie-themed retellings of famous works of literature were all the rage. The events of 2023 feel like a long time ago now.

Though zombies will always be a go-to monster for horror fans, a new anime series premiering this summer will take a more positive approach to the undead. A forthcoming anime titled Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead was developed by Bug Films and will be distributed by Viz Media for Hulu.

Despite having assisted with the production of seasonal hits like “Komi Can’t Communicate” and “Summer Time Rendering,” it appears that “Zom 100” will be the studio’s first project to be produced entirely in-house. Putting vibrant hues next to brain-eating monsters, Zom 100 seems like it will stand out from the crowd. In this article, we will cover about zom 100 anime release date and many more related things.

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Zom 100 Anime Release Date

In July, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead will premiere exclusively on Hulu in the United States. Shortly, we will be announcing additional streaming services. zom 100 anime release date.<

Zom 100 The Plot

Here’s an intriguing premise: Akira (Shuichiro Umeda) views the societal breakdown into monsters as a welcome change rather than a challenge to be overcome or even a means to an end.

He now has an opportunity that he can’t afford to pass up, and it’s a welcome diversion from the usual grind of his office life. Of course, his casual response could be telling of how he feels.

The trailer for the program gives us a quick view of Akira’s home life, and it’s not exactly pretty: a depressed nest built of folded debris, food remnants, hundreds upon dozens of bottles, strewn garments, and the wan light of a television surround his bed.

zom 100 anime release date

Akira’s headphones only partially block out the sounds of an office conflict, in which someone, probably Akira’s boss, is yelling at a coworker. Several visual cues suggest that Akira is suffering from depression.

There is a lot of usage of color filters in the trailer, which may or may not is mirrored in the show itself. When he initially walks into his office, everyone’s faces are painted with bright smiles.

The previous description and the beginning of the world’s end are seen through a harsh black-and-white filter, with only the red blood gushing from Akira’s temple retaining its usual hue. Akira had just realized that the world is his oyster, but suddenly color returned to the globe. zom 100 anime release date.

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Zom 100 The Cast & Crew

Only one cast member has been confirmed as of this writing. Shuichiro Umeda will play the title character of Akira. Umeda is a voice actor who has appeared in several recent anime series in supporting and starring capacities.

His credits include My Life as Inukai-Dog, san’s The Dawn of the Witch, Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie, and minor roles in The World Ends with You: The Animation and Bocchi the Rock. Kii Tanaka will be in charge of character design, while Junpei Fukuchi will be responsible for designing the zombies.

Flip Flappers, Kaguya-sama: Love is War, Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor and Utawarerumono are just a few of the animated features they have contributed. The character designs and the zombie designs will probably be the best of both worlds because of the unique combination of credits.

In comparison to the classic, shambling walkers, the zombies we see in the trailer are more like the horde-like zombies of 28 Days Later or World War Z. ZOM 100: BUCKET LIST OF THE DEAD has music composed by One Punch Man’s Makoto Miyazaki and “music selection” by Maiko Gouda.

Among Gouda’s previous works are the modern classic Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and several installments in the Fist of the North Star series. The two will work together to produce an aural environment to evoke the feeling of liberation that might accompany a complete breakdown of society. zom 100 anime release date.

Final Lines 

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Alta Militello

Writing and doing research are two activities that Alta Militello adores. Because she reads so much, she writes about topics such as history, culture, and current events. Alta worked in marketing after receiving her degree in business marketing, but she eventually left the field because she was unhappy there.

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