Rainbow Six Siege: PS4, PS5, PC, and Xbox One players should expect the Y7S1 update for Rainbow Six Siege shortly. Azami (Kiba barrier gadget) has been included in the Rainbow Six Siege Y7S1 patch notes, as well as a permanent Team Deathmatch mode, and modifications to Goyo, Melusi, Thunderbird, Kali, Valkyrie, and Zero’s abilities. Stability adjustments are also included in the Rainbow Six Siege Y7S1 patch.
Previously, a significant upgrade for Season 3 was made available with several improvements and bug fixes. Below, you’ll find further information.
What is the Rainbow Six Siege Y7S1 Patch Download Size?
Below are the file sizes for each platform.
- Ubisoft Connect: 4.4 GB
- Steam: 3.8 GB
- Xbox One: 13.82 GB
- Xbox Series X: 13.17 GB
- PS4: 5.17 GB
- PS5: 4.66 GB
What is New in Rainbow Six Siege Y7S1?
Added A New Defender Azami
If you’ve had flaws in your defenses, the Kiba Barrier will fill them up with a bulletproof barrier created by the discharge of a substance that first expands and then hardens.
Rainbow Six Siege Primary Weapon
- 9X19SVN
- ACS12
Secondary Weapon
- D-50
- Impact Grenade
- Barbed Wire
- Health
- Speed
Deathmatch Playlist
The introduction of Demon Veil brings with it a new playlist that features Team Deathmatch, a popular game style. The Deathmatch playlist was developed to serve as a warm-up and practice area for competitive Siege matches, as well as a more relaxed mode of play for casual Siege gamers.
Rainbow Six Siege Rules
- Matches play for 5 minutes or until one team reaches 75 eliminations, whichever happens first.
- No time to spend outside (Operators are eliminated after 10 seconds).
During the contest, players can switch between several operators.
Enabled: respawn.
This feature has been deactivated.
Enabling “Join in Progress”
Sanctions against abandonment are not applicable.
Rainbow Six Siege Gameplay
Regardless of team affiliation, players can choose to play as an attacker or defenders. The same Operator can be selected by many players. It is unable to use any special abilities (apart from Glaz’s Flip Sight). Operators Blitz, Montagne, and Clash as well as Fuze’s Ballistic Shield are unavailable.
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Fang, stun, and impact grenades are in the arsenals of both squads. This means that there are no barricades or reinforcements to use. The theme park, villa, and favela all have their maps.
Match Replay
Consoles now include Match Replay, which saves up to 12 matches or 2 hours of gaming. In addition, controls for replaying matches have been added to the controller layout.
Operators Price Decrease
Demon Veil, like every season, delivers a price reduction for several Operators. Reputation drops for Mozzie, Gridlock, Oryx, Iana, and Flores. Flores now costs 20,000 Renown or 480 R6 Credits instead of 20,000 Renown or 480 R6 Credits. You never know, you may end up with a new primary if you take advantage of this opportunity.
Seasonal Weapon Skin
With Demon Veil, you’ll be able to add stealthy new skin to your arsenal of holiday weapon skins. The Sleek Lethality weapon and attachment skins, as well as the Yakuyoke charm, may be obtained by purchasing the Covert Ending Bundle.

During the season, players will be able to purchase the seasonal weapon skin. It will be accessible at the start of the new season. For as long as you have the ability, you can use it on any weapon in your arsenal.
Operator Balancing
The Camera Loses Signal Outside
Outside, Valkyrie’s Black Eye, Maestro’s Evil Eye, and the Bulletproof Camera will lose signal in 10 seconds. If the player wants to reestablish the signal, they’ll have to move their cameras about.
Valkyrie + Zero
Even though both the Black Eye and ARGUS cameras of Valkyrie and Zero may now be accessible from above, a video feed is not available unless the cameras are attached to anything.
Echo + Mozzie
Even though cameras lose signal in a matter of seconds, both Echo and Mozzie’s drones may now be operated outside longer (10 seconds).
When activated, Melusi’s Banshee opens faster, revealing its weakness early.
When Kali is armed with her marksman rifle, her mobility is no longer hindered.
Only players with less than 100% health can be healed by Thunderbird’s Kóna Station.
Changes and Updates
Year 7 Pass + Battle Pass
The Year 7 Pass, which has been resurrected by popular demand, offers the following advantages and VIP perks:
- Year 7 has four new operators.
- Headgear and uniforms for four players (included in Battle Passes)
- All four of the Battle Passes for Year 7 are included.
- Premium Bundles include the first 20 levels of each Year 7 Battle Pass.
- MPX Exclusive Valkyrie Byte Set Ash Chilled Bundle Exotic Weapon Skin
- Early access to the new Operator for each season for 14 days
- Bonus Battle Points are awarded at a rate of 30%. (not applied to Challenges or Achievements)
- There are always new obstacles to overcome
- Battle Passes will no longer be time-limited, so players may complete challenges at their speed until the conclusion of the pass.
A Replay of the Game
Compatibility With Replay
Season-long replays will not be destroyed if patches or hotfixes are made available. Until the last day of the season, replays can be viewed.
Elite Customization
Ability Skins that can be customized. With this change, players will be able to switch between distinct ability skins they possess as long as they are both held by the same Operator.
Player Comfort
Animation by Melee
To match hit detection in-game, the knife melee animation was altered from a slash to a stab.
Gadget and Ability Models
- When Ela’s Grzmot Mine is armed, an LED that matches the player’s Team Colors will be shown.
- The Breach Charge’s LED now matches the player’s Team Colors preference, thanks to a redesign of the device.
- A new model of the Bulletproof Camera was created to better suit the Bulletproof Camera’s gameplay update of the previous season (camera rotation and EMP burst).
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Speech To Text
The menu options now include a new Speech to Text option.
Operator Models
Enhances present and future operators’ face animation with new rigging, shading, and meshes.
Match Timer
The last 10 seconds of the Action Phase will now display match timings with milliseconds included.
HUD Adjustment in Support Mode
When spectating in Support Mode, the ability/gadget state of the player has been added to the portrait. KDA has been deleted.
Game Health
Players Losing Connection Due to Sadness. It is no longer possible for toxic gamers to take advantage of player disconnects to inflict harm on others by hurling harmful devices.
Map Rotations
The Bank map was deleted from the Newcomer playlist and the Chalet map was added. Play Rainbow Six Siege for free on PC, PS4, and Xbox One with patch Y7S1.
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