After being attacked by a mountain lion in California and being taken to the hospital, a young boy is making a full recovery and is in high spirits.

According to a GoFundMe page, Jack Trexler, age 5, and his mother Suzie were out walking in Half Moon Bay, California on Tuesday when they were attacked by a mountain lion. The attack left the young boy with lacerations on his face, a fracture near his eye, and scratches all over his body. Jack’s mother was able to fight off the mountain lion.

“his spirit is intact,” according to Trexler’s family, despite the damage he sustained.

According to the post on GoFundMe, the mother and boy were out strolling in the hills near their home, where they have resided for the past 12 years, when the son, Jack, rushed ahead of his mother and most likely alarmed a young mountain lion.

The GoFundMe page says that Jack’s mother charged the big cat, which scared it away, and then picked up her son and ran him to safety.

Jay, Trexler’s dad, said that his son told him about the attack by saying, “Dad, a mountain lion attacked me!”

After the attack, the boy was taken to a nearby hospital where he was “carefully looked at, stitched up, and cared for by an amazing care team.”

Trexler is currently recuperating at home and watching to see if the swelling that resulted from his wounds will go down. This will help determine whether or not he will require additional surgery.

Amie Wagner, Jack’s aunt, commented in an online article that “He is the most courageous, adventurous little man I have ever encountered and I am not shocked that if there was a youngster who could wrestle a mountain lion and come out on top, it would be Jack.”

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After his son has fully recovered, according to Jay Trexler, his family plans to continue going on hikes in the area near their home in California.

“We are an outdoor-loving family, and this experience will not take that away from us,” Trexler said. “I think it’s important to not be afraid of mountain lions but to take care and be alert when you are in their habitat. Even though it doesn’t happen often, things like this can happen in an instant. You have to respect big animals that are capable of hurting you or your loved ones.”

“We are going to help our son recover and then go live our lives to the fullest.”

Over $33,000 has been raised through the GoFundMe page set up to help the Trexler family pay for medical bills.

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