With the rise and popularity of vapes all around the globe, there is no surprise that even many celebrities are picking up this habit. Over the past couple of years, there have been many artists and famous stars who have indulged in vaping.
This has made vaping mainstream for all. As a result of this, there are a variety of flavors and vapes available in the market with fewer health concerns as compared to traditional tobacco smoking. It has also turned out to be quite beneficial in helping to quit smoking.
For this very reason, even many artists love this new trend, especially the ones who have been chain smokers in the past. With fewer health risks and better flavorful experiences, vapes have gained a lot of popularity. So, here is a list of some famous artists who vape.
Leonardo DiCaprio
One of the first and foremost a sensation for all generations is Leonardo DiCaprio. He is known as one of the biggest celebrities all around the globe and is also most well-known for turning out to be an advocate for vaping.
Since he has a great and successful career, people tend to follow him a lot. Recently, he made a change in his preferred vaping setup and has been seen blowing huge clouds in several events and locations. This certainly shows his preference for the big clouds of vaping nowadays and support for the no-smoking habit.
Britney Spears
Another one of the most popular artists and the heart of many people, Britney Spears, also seems to be a big fan of vaping. While she has always been a center of controversy for her choice of lifestyle, this is one of the things she opted for in recent years.
While you might be impressed by these stars and plan to quit smoking by replacing it with vape, you also need to make sure you know where to vape for your and other people’s health safety. Just like Britney Spears, who, after becoming a mom, said goodbye to smoking and switched to vaping in order to stay healthier.
Zac Effron
Zac Effron, who is well-known for his fitness and dapper looks, also seems to join the list of artists who vape. The “famous High School Musical” star is loved by many for his body transformations and his amazing roles in movies, such as Baywatch.
For this very reason, it is no surprise that a fitness freak like Zac Effron chooses to stay healthier by avoiding cigarettes and preferring vaping over it. His most loved vape setup that has often been seen in his hand is a sub-ohm tank, which lets him lose some huge clouds in the air.
Lady Gaga
Just like Britney Spears, Lady Gaga has also joined the ‘vaping’ club. She is one of the many popular superstar singers known for her talent all around the world. She seems to be a vape enthusiast who enjoys the huge clouds, often in events and in public.
The major reason for her to switch to vaping was to quit her immense smoking habit and enhance her health. Being a chain smoker, she claims to easily smoke up to 40 cigarettes a day. However, with the help of vapes, she has certainly been able to stop the adverse effects of this bad habit.
Tom Hardy
Being the dapper star and loved by many, Tom Hardy also seems to be obsessed with vaping as his device can always be seen glued to his hands. In almost every event, celebrity award shows, and even many interviews, Tom Hardy has expressed his love for vaping.
He has worked in some marvelous movie ventures, such as Venom, Peaky Blinders, etc. He also has many different vaping devices, which he uses from time to time. He also likes to accessorize his vape with a bullet drip tip, which seems to be the perfect aesthetic for the perfect Hollywood tough guy image he has.
Final Takeout
There is no doubt that many famous artists are switching to vaping these days. The major reason behind the popularity of this trend is that vaping has much fewer health risks as compared to smoking and is a safer option to quit as well.