In the case of a substantial correction of an article, headline, photo caption, graphic, video, or other material, we promptly publish a correction explaining the change.
In case our journalism is factually correct, but the language used to articulate those facts is unclear, or as detailed as should be, we rewrite the article and add a clarification to the story.
We also use clarifications in cases where we initially failed to seek a response or a comment that has since been added to the story, or when new reporting has shifted our perspective of an event.
Editor’s Notes
In the case of a correction that brings into question, the entire mettle of an article or raises serious ethical concerns, we publish an editor’s note that is followed by a detailed explanation of the issue at hand. The addition of an editor’s note is done only after the approval of the editor-in-chief.
Additional correction policies:
- All corrections on social media platforms are done on respective platforms.
- In case of errors notified by readers in the comments, the correction will be indicated in the comments.
- No blame will be attributed to individual reporters or editors. However, in case of errors resulting from a publication problem or from incorrect information shared by a trusted source, the same shall be noted.