“We never expected anybody would break a gμn out amongst all those kids. I mean that was insane.”
“I couldn’t get inside in time so he shot my daddy in the back.”
Ashley Hilderbrand, the girl’s mother, told CNN that surgeons had extracted bμllet pieces from her daughter’s cheek and that she had also been grazed in the elbow.

She said that she and her family were just grilling and her daughter was riding her bike outside and had nothing to do with the basketball game.
Thursday night, CNN reached out to Hilderbrand for her thoughts on the suspect’s arrest. She texted that she was happy for him and couldn’t “believe he made it all the way to Florida.”
The Gastonia Police Department is ἰnvestigating Tuesday night’s sh00ting but will not comment on what sparked the violence. Two teenage cheerleaders in a Texas grocery store parking lot walked up to the wrong car, a 16-year-old in Kansas City rang the wrong doorbell, and a 20-year-old in New York City entered the wrong driveway, and all were sh0t deἀd in the past week.
According to the Small Arms Survey, there are more civilian gμns in the country than there are people, and the shootings are a reflection of the toxic mix of fear, paranoia, and distrust that inspires so many and ultimately leads to violence.
Police Chief Stephen Zill said in a statement Wednesday night that the father, who has been identified by his family as William “Jamie” White, was shot and remains hospitalized.
White’s mother, Debbie Wykle White, told CNN over a text message-
“He is just taking it day by day. He’s in a lot of pain.”
According to the authorities, both the girl and her mother were treated and discharged. According to a police statement, another individual was fired at but unharmed.
By Thursday night, almost $11,000 had been donated to the family through a legitimate GoFundMe page.
Neighbors Say That the Suspect Had Shouted at Kids Before

Four counts of attempted first-degree murder, two counts of assault with a deἀdly weapon with intent to kἰll causing seɼious injμry, and one count of possession of a firearm by a felon were obtained for Singletary, police said.
Zill had previously stated, “I want to say to the people of Gaston County – this sort of violence will not stand,” adding that the US Marshals Regional Fugitive Task Force had assisted in the search for Singletary.
Multiple witnesses told CNN that Singletary had recently moved into the residence and was frequently heard yelling at children who were playing in his yard.
They said he “hated children” because he became so upset when youngsters ran through his yard. He also had various problems with the parents of the children in the area.
An unidentified neighbor informed CNN that the shooter had previously complained to her about the kids going through his yard. She claimed she let him know her grandson had already entered the house, at which point he left.
The father who approached Singletary on Tuesday reportedly fled the scene and was unharmed.
Robertson, who lives on the opposite side of the street, and another neighbor both claimed that Singletary had a “look in his eyes” before coming toward the other parents and children and opening fire.
They said they heard “sh00ting, pow, pow” as Singletary walked down the street, and that he always seemed to have his arm held out. They reported a chaotic scene, with children and their parents racing across yards in search of safety.
Several neighbors told CNN they couldn’t sleep because they were so afraid of Singletary. In December, authorities reported that Singletary had attacked his fiancée with a mini-sledgehammer and then held her captive in his residence for more than two hours.
Gaston County Superior Court clerk Jennifer Davis stated that the allegations are still active and that he has not entered a plea. On December 15th, Singletary posted a bond and was released after posting $250,000. CNN has contacted Cameron Harrison, his defense attorney, for further information.