Update: Overwatch 2 director Aaron Keller has disclosed that the game has now experienced a second DDoS attack on the day of its launch. The team is presently working to resolve server issues.
In addition to overcoming a second DDoS attempt, Keller noted, “We’re steadily making progress on server concerns and stability.” “We’re working nonstop throughout the night and have all hands on deck. We appreciate your patience and will update you as soon as we have additional information.”
As of the time of writing, I was able to enter the game for the first time in about 12 hours, so it’s possible that service has resumed.
If you’re having trouble finding a match in Overwatch 2, Blizzard informed us that a massive distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is now hindering effective matchmaking.
Blizzard team will “continue to work throughout the night” as Overwatch hit by at least two DDoS attacks on launch dayhttps://t.co/LhdIQgqIdZ
— GamesIndustry (@GIBiz) October 5, 2022
The Overwatch 2 servers are experiencing a significant DDoS attack, and Blizzard president Mike Ybarra said that teams are striving to minimize the harm. The launch of Overwatch 2, which Blizzard has been planning for months, is being jeopardized by the servers’ inability to work properly.
It is uncertain how long this will take. Players are sharing their long waits and unsuccessful matchmaking attempts on social media in large numbers, which is partly due to the DDoS attack.
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Players are reporting “Unexpected Server Errors” as well as problems with specific cosmetics and items not appearing in their collection in Overwatch 2 on both PC and consoles, according to the game’s official issues page. Additionally, servers are separating players from them.
The best place to find the most recent information will probably be the official Overwatch Twitter page. For more information on our opinions of Blizzard’s eagerly anticipated sequel, you can read IGN’s complete review of Overwatch 2.